Category: ATO

Why You Should Check Supplier ABNs
Do you check your supplier ABNs? Correct tax codes are essential for getting GST on the BAS right. Now is a good time to review supplier ABNs and GST status. Get in contact, and we’ll make sure you’re not paying more GST than you need to.

The temporary fuel excise cut for petrol and diesel
In the 2022 Federal Budget, excise and excise-equivalent customs duty on petrol and diesel will be reduced by 50% from 30 March 2022 for 6 months.

Accountants know lawful deductions from employees wages – do you?
Employers, did you know that there are only a few situations where you can lawfully deduct money from an employee’s wages? Talk to us before you make any deductions, and we’ll make sure the deductions are lawful so that you don’t get penalised later.